Monday, April 30, 2007

thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU

WOW!! That's all I can say. My first mass emailing is underway and we're already at $750!!! It is so exciting. I also began passing out the postcards I made to my classes, which has helped, and I'm hoping will bring more money back in the next time I see them at the fitness center. It feels so good to know there is much wonderful support out there and I feel very fortunate to know so many kind-hearted people. Again, thank you!! -em

10 mile walk... check

Well, I did it. I went out 8:30-11:00 this past Saturday morning and completed the 10 mile walk, my goal for April. It felt good and wasn't too hard really. Of course, 10 miles is not quite 60 miles, but it's a solid start. The shoes and socks felt great. When I was out walking it felt like they were worth every penny. I walked through a new neighborhood I wasn't really familiar with, but managed to find my way, as well as stumble across some beautiful homes. It felt nice to know I have people's support as I continue my journey. Thank you. -em

Friday, April 27, 2007

When the going gets tough

After completing the 8.2 mile walk, I did as promised; I rushed over to Ward Parkway Mall where Gary Gibble's Running store is located, to be properaly inspected for a good pair of shoes. After an hour of indecision between 4 pairs, I selected an Adidas pair, as well as a good pair of socks (at this point, I can only afford one!). The shoes seemed to be working out fine, but one little spot was bothering me. I ran over to the mall last Wed. during my break, only to get in a car accident while pulling out of the parking lot. MAN-O-MAN! What a disaster and disappointment. But such is life. Car's in the shop, and every corporation involved is after me, but I'm still right on track.... Tomorrow, 10 miles!! I'll let you know! -em

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Up and running...

Well, walking to be more precise. Thus far, 3 days out for a total of 19 miles and counting. Last night after the 8.2 mile walk, I finally decided it was time to invest in a good pair of shoes and socks. No backing out now... -em