Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Okay, I'll admit it. I've been slacking some. It's been raining a whole lot here (even today). I know I need to get out and go, but life takes over. This past weekend I had an Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program training on Saturday and then Sunday was Mother's Day, so the weekend was a wash. That means I really need to try and go out this weekend. I have to teach Saturday at 10:15 up in NKC, which I'm not familiar with at all, so I'll have to walk when I get done, if it's not raining! Then Sunday I will walk before classes at 3:30. I promise I will do it, but please feel free to give me a hard time. I need to step it up. I have been going for short walks. Last Thursday I went out for just around a 1/2 hour, while I was waiting on ja's bus to arrive, and I went too far and had to run back in order to make it on time to the bus stop--- man! I'm so NOT into running! Sunday morning Ja and I went for a walk, but it's not quite the same. Tomorrow I have a walking date with my mom over lunch. If the rain clears up today and the electrician is fast at the house, I will go out this PM. I finally got my car back yesterday, so I won't have to worry about fetching Ja. -em

Saturday, May 5, 2007

12 miles complete

Okay, I did it again. I went out this morning and walked 7:30-10:30, 12 miles. I think I was a little pokey and I also wore a camelback fannyback, which was tight around the waist and took some getting used to; but this is the nature of the walk and I will be hauling more than I did today, so I found it to be good practice. I'm pretty pooped, but haven't had coffee yet, so we'll see if that does the trick. Thanks for pushing me along!! -em

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May's Goal

Okay, so here's the plan. This Saturday for my Cinco de Mayo, I am going to complete 12 miles (1/2 hour longer than last Saturday). My goal for May is 30 miles in 2 days (15 miles each day). Keep in touch with me to help push me along!! I'm not sure yet when I'll be able to do the 30 miles, but I will squeeze it in somehow. Thanks for all your support!! We're over 1/2 way to the $2,200 goal... in less than a week!! WAHOOO!! -em