Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Barb and I featured in the John Knox Village Voice

Since we both work at JKV, it was nice of the communications staff to feature us in the August edition of the Village Voice. The first article explained to the residents of John Knox the importance of exercising while battling cancer. The second article shared my intentions to walk in the Breast Cancer 3Day. As a result, many residents have been expressing their support and enthusiasm to both of us. What a great way to stay motivated with the walk less than a month away!! Thanks, Emily Banyas, for writing the articles. -em

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New way to train

So, last weekend we were dog-sitting for our friends/neighbors and I decided to take Natty out on the walk with me. I knew I was going to do 12 miles/3 hours, but thought maybe she could accompany me for the first hour. We went out during the heat (2:15 pm), but she was doing great. Her owners are runners, so we had to learn quickly that this was a walk, and we would not be running! Needless to say, I did not receive a proper warm-up, but we got the hang of each other. She prefers to walk on the left side of the street; I do not have a preference. She, at first, prefered to walk around the puddles left over from the morning rain, but later decided, vigoriously dancing through them was a much better plan! At 1/2 an hour, which would be the time to turn around and go back home, she was still pulling me along, so I decided to stretch out our time to 1.5 hours (1/2 my walk). The funny thing was, at an hour, ja called to check on me, and immediately when the phone rang, she sat down in a shaded yard. Smart!! But, I knew I could not carry her home and feared for a moment I had pushed her too hard. But she did get up and trot along home with me. I eventually wore her out (or the heat did) and she was anxious to be back in her a/c. After we enjoyed some water, I told her how lucky she was, b/c I was on my way out to do it all over again!! Now, a few days later, my shins are still pretty tender, so I think taking her along was a good idea. She pushed me to work harder in the beginning and I encouraged her in the end to make it home. -em

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Countdown Begins

Hello!! We are to the 6-week mark. I cannot believe it!! That means it's time to go buy another pair of shoes (hopefully without wrecking my car this time) and I also need to purchase more of my fancy socks. But let me tell you, there is nothing like a good pair of shoes and socks when you're out there walking for hours. I also have discovered the importance of a good top. Several tops have begun to rub me in the armpit region (chaffing) and this is rather uncomfortable, so what I've found works best for me is to walk in a tube top. This also works well for tan lines!! :)

One foot after the other!! -Em