Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Well, I'm a little late getting this post out, but the walk is over and it was a success!! Thank you to everyone who supported me along the way. It was quite an experience. I managed to finish 1st the 1st day, out of 3,000, 3rd the 2nd day, and 2nd the 3rd day. Many dropped out along the way, but together, we raised over 6.5 million dollars for The Susan G. Komen For A Cure. Day 1 and 2 were a lot of trail-walking along the Mississippi and through small subarban towns of the Twin Cities. Day 3 ended with the capital of MN, through St. Paul (some really cool districts-- Summit Ave., St. Anthony's), through the campus of the Un. of MN, and finishing in Minn. at Boom Island. It was a really neat journey that I'm glad to say "I DID THAT!" -em