Sunday, August 19, 2007

Packing, getting ready

....... It's time! Today I officially began packing for the trip. I have two pages of things they told me to take, so I'm getting there. As it nears, I'm sorta starting to get nervous and excited, all rolled into one. I know I can do the walk, but I'm of course feeling a little uneasy about the whole thing. Anyhow, the plan. Barbara will pick me up around 6:30-7:00 a.m. Wednesday and we will drive up to MN. Thursday she will attend Crew Day and I will find a way to entertain myself. Friday, bright and early, I will catch the shuttle from the hotel (sometime in the 5:00 hour, I believe, need to re-read my emails). Open Ceremonies and then I'm off!! Walk, walk, walk, eat, walk, walk, walk, sleep (camping--- trying to get excited about that one)... get up and do it again, two more times. Sunday, go back to the hotel and Monday we'll drive home. Tuesday-- taking off work to re-group and get back to reality. I know those 3 days, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, will be full of fun, emotions, great conversations, good new friends, and good food and entertainment. I look forward to sharing the highlights will you when I return. Thanks, for encouraging me along and believing in me, and all of us, as we walk with the hope of finding a cure to breast cancer. -em

Monday, August 6, 2007


WHOOOAAAA, YEAH!!! I am ready! This past weekend I hit the hot, hot streets and pounded out fifty miles. The breakdown: Friday- After I finished teaching yoga at the YMCA, I headed out for 10 miles. The walk took from about 6:40-9:10 p.m. The walk was nice and gave me GOOD experience walking in the rain; it poured down on me! Luckily, I had another pair of shoes for Saturday. Part of the walk was in the dark, but it wasn't bad. And my book-on-tap-downloaded-to-ipod entertained me along the way. Saturday- After teaching yoga at the park, I headed out for 20 miles. This was from 9:00 until about 3:00. The first leg I did on my own, walking home from Loose Park (4 miles). Then Ja hooked up with me and we walked to Planet Sub for lunch (4 miles); then home (another 4 miles). Ja- I am soooo proud of you and really, really appreciate you joining me. I know your toe was bothersome and that you were already sore from your ropes course and yoga. I love you!! After this first 12 miles, I picked up the neighbor's dog and she and I headed out for the last 8. Man, was is steamy hot by then! We stopped to drink every mile/15 minutes. She helped me finish up, though, so thanks, Scott and Joy, for letting me borrow her. Sunday- Mom showed up at the house bright and early, 7:00 a.m. We headed to my parent's house (8 miles). She stopped there and I continued through their neighborhood for another hour (4 miles). Then, with 12 behind me, I ate with them (yummy BLT's, my favorite chips, and a great fruit cup--- Thanks, Mom!!). After that I was anxious to go knock out the remaining 8. I was done with the fifty miles by 12:40 and got to break until teaching yoga 3:30-5:30, which felt great!! Thanks to everyone for the encouragement along the way. It really wasn't that bad; I only suffered from a few heat rashes and today my shins are sore. So... I will continue with shorter walks every day and will work on strengthening my shins some more. It's almost time to go and have the time of my life. I truly feel ready and what a joy it has been to get to this point!! -em