Sunday, August 19, 2007

Packing, getting ready

....... It's time! Today I officially began packing for the trip. I have two pages of things they told me to take, so I'm getting there. As it nears, I'm sorta starting to get nervous and excited, all rolled into one. I know I can do the walk, but I'm of course feeling a little uneasy about the whole thing. Anyhow, the plan. Barbara will pick me up around 6:30-7:00 a.m. Wednesday and we will drive up to MN. Thursday she will attend Crew Day and I will find a way to entertain myself. Friday, bright and early, I will catch the shuttle from the hotel (sometime in the 5:00 hour, I believe, need to re-read my emails). Open Ceremonies and then I'm off!! Walk, walk, walk, eat, walk, walk, walk, sleep (camping--- trying to get excited about that one)... get up and do it again, two more times. Sunday, go back to the hotel and Monday we'll drive home. Tuesday-- taking off work to re-group and get back to reality. I know those 3 days, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, will be full of fun, emotions, great conversations, good new friends, and good food and entertainment. I look forward to sharing the highlights will you when I return. Thanks, for encouraging me along and believing in me, and all of us, as we walk with the hope of finding a cure to breast cancer. -em

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