Monday, June 25, 2007

40 miles in 2 days

Okay, so let me be honest. With a chance of rain in this past weekend's forecast, I was sorta rooting for it. I did not want to go out and do my 40 miles. But.... the weekend was beautiful and I spent the majority of it pounding the pavement. And it was great and I'm so glad I did it... and that it's behind me. :)

Saturday morning after my outdoor yoga group (BYOM) met at Loose Park, I walked home (4 miles). There, my mom met me and we walked to her house (8 miles). After a delicious lunch, I headed back home (8 miles). Total= 20 miles

Sunday morning I got up and headed back to my parent's house (8 miles). My mom then walked with me around their neighborhood (4 miles). After yet another scrumptious lunch, I headed back home (8 miles). Total= 20 miles (Then I went and taught yoga for 2 hours.... slept great, let me tell you!!!!!) -em

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