Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Well, I'm a little late getting this post out, but the walk is over and it was a success!! Thank you to everyone who supported me along the way. It was quite an experience. I managed to finish 1st the 1st day, out of 3,000, 3rd the 2nd day, and 2nd the 3rd day. Many dropped out along the way, but together, we raised over 6.5 million dollars for The Susan G. Komen For A Cure. Day 1 and 2 were a lot of trail-walking along the Mississippi and through small subarban towns of the Twin Cities. Day 3 ended with the capital of MN, through St. Paul (some really cool districts-- Summit Ave., St. Anthony's), through the campus of the Un. of MN, and finishing in Minn. at Boom Island. It was a really neat journey that I'm glad to say "I DID THAT!" -em

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Packing, getting ready

....... It's time! Today I officially began packing for the trip. I have two pages of things they told me to take, so I'm getting there. As it nears, I'm sorta starting to get nervous and excited, all rolled into one. I know I can do the walk, but I'm of course feeling a little uneasy about the whole thing. Anyhow, the plan. Barbara will pick me up around 6:30-7:00 a.m. Wednesday and we will drive up to MN. Thursday she will attend Crew Day and I will find a way to entertain myself. Friday, bright and early, I will catch the shuttle from the hotel (sometime in the 5:00 hour, I believe, need to re-read my emails). Open Ceremonies and then I'm off!! Walk, walk, walk, eat, walk, walk, walk, sleep (camping--- trying to get excited about that one)... get up and do it again, two more times. Sunday, go back to the hotel and Monday we'll drive home. Tuesday-- taking off work to re-group and get back to reality. I know those 3 days, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, will be full of fun, emotions, great conversations, good new friends, and good food and entertainment. I look forward to sharing the highlights will you when I return. Thanks, for encouraging me along and believing in me, and all of us, as we walk with the hope of finding a cure to breast cancer. -em

Monday, August 6, 2007


WHOOOAAAA, YEAH!!! I am ready! This past weekend I hit the hot, hot streets and pounded out fifty miles. The breakdown: Friday- After I finished teaching yoga at the YMCA, I headed out for 10 miles. The walk took from about 6:40-9:10 p.m. The walk was nice and gave me GOOD experience walking in the rain; it poured down on me! Luckily, I had another pair of shoes for Saturday. Part of the walk was in the dark, but it wasn't bad. And my book-on-tap-downloaded-to-ipod entertained me along the way. Saturday- After teaching yoga at the park, I headed out for 20 miles. This was from 9:00 until about 3:00. The first leg I did on my own, walking home from Loose Park (4 miles). Then Ja hooked up with me and we walked to Planet Sub for lunch (4 miles); then home (another 4 miles). Ja- I am soooo proud of you and really, really appreciate you joining me. I know your toe was bothersome and that you were already sore from your ropes course and yoga. I love you!! After this first 12 miles, I picked up the neighbor's dog and she and I headed out for the last 8. Man, was is steamy hot by then! We stopped to drink every mile/15 minutes. She helped me finish up, though, so thanks, Scott and Joy, for letting me borrow her. Sunday- Mom showed up at the house bright and early, 7:00 a.m. We headed to my parent's house (8 miles). She stopped there and I continued through their neighborhood for another hour (4 miles). Then, with 12 behind me, I ate with them (yummy BLT's, my favorite chips, and a great fruit cup--- Thanks, Mom!!). After that I was anxious to go knock out the remaining 8. I was done with the fifty miles by 12:40 and got to break until teaching yoga 3:30-5:30, which felt great!! Thanks to everyone for the encouragement along the way. It really wasn't that bad; I only suffered from a few heat rashes and today my shins are sore. So... I will continue with shorter walks every day and will work on strengthening my shins some more. It's almost time to go and have the time of my life. I truly feel ready and what a joy it has been to get to this point!! -em

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Barb and I featured in the John Knox Village Voice

Since we both work at JKV, it was nice of the communications staff to feature us in the August edition of the Village Voice. The first article explained to the residents of John Knox the importance of exercising while battling cancer. The second article shared my intentions to walk in the Breast Cancer 3Day. As a result, many residents have been expressing their support and enthusiasm to both of us. What a great way to stay motivated with the walk less than a month away!! Thanks, Emily Banyas, for writing the articles. -em

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New way to train

So, last weekend we were dog-sitting for our friends/neighbors and I decided to take Natty out on the walk with me. I knew I was going to do 12 miles/3 hours, but thought maybe she could accompany me for the first hour. We went out during the heat (2:15 pm), but she was doing great. Her owners are runners, so we had to learn quickly that this was a walk, and we would not be running! Needless to say, I did not receive a proper warm-up, but we got the hang of each other. She prefers to walk on the left side of the street; I do not have a preference. She, at first, prefered to walk around the puddles left over from the morning rain, but later decided, vigoriously dancing through them was a much better plan! At 1/2 an hour, which would be the time to turn around and go back home, she was still pulling me along, so I decided to stretch out our time to 1.5 hours (1/2 my walk). The funny thing was, at an hour, ja called to check on me, and immediately when the phone rang, she sat down in a shaded yard. Smart!! But, I knew I could not carry her home and feared for a moment I had pushed her too hard. But she did get up and trot along home with me. I eventually wore her out (or the heat did) and she was anxious to be back in her a/c. After we enjoyed some water, I told her how lucky she was, b/c I was on my way out to do it all over again!! Now, a few days later, my shins are still pretty tender, so I think taking her along was a good idea. She pushed me to work harder in the beginning and I encouraged her in the end to make it home. -em

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Countdown Begins

Hello!! We are to the 6-week mark. I cannot believe it!! That means it's time to go buy another pair of shoes (hopefully without wrecking my car this time) and I also need to purchase more of my fancy socks. But let me tell you, there is nothing like a good pair of shoes and socks when you're out there walking for hours. I also have discovered the importance of a good top. Several tops have begun to rub me in the armpit region (chaffing) and this is rather uncomfortable, so what I've found works best for me is to walk in a tube top. This also works well for tan lines!! :)

One foot after the other!! -Em

Monday, June 25, 2007

40 miles in 2 days

Okay, so let me be honest. With a chance of rain in this past weekend's forecast, I was sorta rooting for it. I did not want to go out and do my 40 miles. But.... the weekend was beautiful and I spent the majority of it pounding the pavement. And it was great and I'm so glad I did it... and that it's behind me. :)

Saturday morning after my outdoor yoga group (BYOM) met at Loose Park, I walked home (4 miles). There, my mom met me and we walked to her house (8 miles). After a delicious lunch, I headed back home (8 miles). Total= 20 miles

Sunday morning I got up and headed back to my parent's house (8 miles). My mom then walked with me around their neighborhood (4 miles). After yet another scrumptious lunch, I headed back home (8 miles). Total= 20 miles (Then I went and taught yoga for 2 hours.... slept great, let me tell you!!!!!) -em

Monday, June 18, 2007

Change in plans

June's goal has changed. Due to my work schedule and I know I cannot take off any time (b/c I'm taking off for the walk!), I will have to drop back to 40 miles in two days. So... this weekend, 20 miles on Sat. and 20 on Sun.

Last weekend I walked to my parent's house (8 miles), and then my mom walked back with me (another 8). She did so great. WAY TO GO MOM!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

It's Going Well

I'm back in, everyone!! The knee is better and I'm feeling good. I walked 2 hours Saturday and 2 hours again on Sunday. Tuesday I went out for 3 hours. This weekend I plan on walking to my parents (2 hours / 8 miles) and then I'll eat lunch with them, and walk back home. I'm feeling good, my only complaint is that walking only moves your body in one way. While walking is a wonderful form of exercise, I know the body can move in several directions and that feels better. My hips become tired of walking. I'm glad I have my classes to continue challenging my body is other ways, Step Aerobics, Yoga, etc. But the walking is beautiful. The neighborhoods are fabulous. I get so many landscaping ideas (for maybe next year!!). Yesterday I became intimate with the hills of Mission Hills. The town was named appropriately!! -em

Friday, June 1, 2007


I've fallen off. Not the walking, but the blogging. Did want to let you know that I did complete my 30 miles in 2 days (15/15) as promised in May. It was a couple weeks ago. Things were going fine, up until about the last 1/2 hour of day 1. My tendons, I reckon, in my knee joint, started to really hurt. So, I went out and limped my way through the 4 hours the second day. If Ja hadn't joined me for part of the 1st half, and my mom hadn't joined me for the 2nd half, I don't know if I would've made it. So, thank you to them!!

June's goal: 50 miles in 3 days!! Wish me luck!! -em

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Okay, I'll admit it. I've been slacking some. It's been raining a whole lot here (even today). I know I need to get out and go, but life takes over. This past weekend I had an Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program training on Saturday and then Sunday was Mother's Day, so the weekend was a wash. That means I really need to try and go out this weekend. I have to teach Saturday at 10:15 up in NKC, which I'm not familiar with at all, so I'll have to walk when I get done, if it's not raining! Then Sunday I will walk before classes at 3:30. I promise I will do it, but please feel free to give me a hard time. I need to step it up. I have been going for short walks. Last Thursday I went out for just around a 1/2 hour, while I was waiting on ja's bus to arrive, and I went too far and had to run back in order to make it on time to the bus stop--- man! I'm so NOT into running! Sunday morning Ja and I went for a walk, but it's not quite the same. Tomorrow I have a walking date with my mom over lunch. If the rain clears up today and the electrician is fast at the house, I will go out this PM. I finally got my car back yesterday, so I won't have to worry about fetching Ja. -em

Saturday, May 5, 2007

12 miles complete

Okay, I did it again. I went out this morning and walked 7:30-10:30, 12 miles. I think I was a little pokey and I also wore a camelback fannyback, which was tight around the waist and took some getting used to; but this is the nature of the walk and I will be hauling more than I did today, so I found it to be good practice. I'm pretty pooped, but haven't had coffee yet, so we'll see if that does the trick. Thanks for pushing me along!! -em

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May's Goal

Okay, so here's the plan. This Saturday for my Cinco de Mayo, I am going to complete 12 miles (1/2 hour longer than last Saturday). My goal for May is 30 miles in 2 days (15 miles each day). Keep in touch with me to help push me along!! I'm not sure yet when I'll be able to do the 30 miles, but I will squeeze it in somehow. Thanks for all your support!! We're over 1/2 way to the $2,200 goal... in less than a week!! WAHOOO!! -em

Monday, April 30, 2007

thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU

WOW!! That's all I can say. My first mass emailing is underway and we're already at $750!!! It is so exciting. I also began passing out the postcards I made to my classes, which has helped, and I'm hoping will bring more money back in the next time I see them at the fitness center. It feels so good to know there is much wonderful support out there and I feel very fortunate to know so many kind-hearted people. Again, thank you!! -em

10 mile walk... check

Well, I did it. I went out 8:30-11:00 this past Saturday morning and completed the 10 mile walk, my goal for April. It felt good and wasn't too hard really. Of course, 10 miles is not quite 60 miles, but it's a solid start. The shoes and socks felt great. When I was out walking it felt like they were worth every penny. I walked through a new neighborhood I wasn't really familiar with, but managed to find my way, as well as stumble across some beautiful homes. It felt nice to know I have people's support as I continue my journey. Thank you. -em

Friday, April 27, 2007

When the going gets tough

After completing the 8.2 mile walk, I did as promised; I rushed over to Ward Parkway Mall where Gary Gibble's Running store is located, to be properaly inspected for a good pair of shoes. After an hour of indecision between 4 pairs, I selected an Adidas pair, as well as a good pair of socks (at this point, I can only afford one!). The shoes seemed to be working out fine, but one little spot was bothering me. I ran over to the mall last Wed. during my break, only to get in a car accident while pulling out of the parking lot. MAN-O-MAN! What a disaster and disappointment. But such is life. Car's in the shop, and every corporation involved is after me, but I'm still right on track.... Tomorrow, 10 miles!! I'll let you know! -em

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Up and running...

Well, walking to be more precise. Thus far, 3 days out for a total of 19 miles and counting. Last night after the 8.2 mile walk, I finally decided it was time to invest in a good pair of shoes and socks. No backing out now... -em